What you need to know about road-tripping to Mexico: 1) Texas tried to kill us. Mostly through sheer persistence of its vast, featureless landscape, which starts to give you strange ideas, like leaving your travel partner at a gas station. 2) If you get a "speeding ticket" within minutes of crossing the border but several blocks from where the alleged violation occurred, do not be surprised. Instead, grovel and try frantically to recollect a language you have not used in over a year. 3) Sugar cane trucks are top-heavy. Pass with care.
Mexico has been good times so far, from portaging a travertine dam on the Rio Tampaon where the whole river vanishes only to reappear on the other side, to lapping the natural amusement park of the cascadas Micos before a live studio audience. We are now at the Salto section of the same river but 100k upstream, awaiting a cessation to the bacterial onslaught on Kat's guts. In the meantime, we check out the tourist waterfalls. If it's on the map, you can't run it. This blog is dedicated to Dr. Jorge A. Marquez, a local kayaker who was kind enough to treat Kat pro bono and hook us up with cipro, yo.
California is going off! We did Purdons to Bridgeport two weeks ago, the S. Trinity yesterday, and we're going to Bridge this weekend. Actually, that's all lies. We've pretty much been on the Chili Gnar and the Barking Dog ever since y'all left. We might mix it up and pick some apples this weekend, too. Anyway, eat some tacos and run some gnar for me, and keep the updates coming. Until we get some rain, it's 100% vicarious on this end.
Thank you jesus for the update. So, the pictures of Skar-face stomping it are sick. I would give one of my toes (one of the lesser toes in the middle)to be with you guys. It might maybe rain here tomorrow, so send us some good water vibes from south of the border. We could sure use them. Miss you both. Here's to Skar-face beating the salmonella!
Taylor, it has been way too long since your last update. Are you being held hostage? If so, try to get me a signal, and I'll see about trying to break you out, Rambo-style. If not, update your blog.
T-boneski- We have almost 2 ft of snow here already and it is freakin' cold. I guess George is off the hook for global warming after all. BUT, that means there'll be some serious water on the North Shore come spring. Don't forget to stop by and visit your aged parental units on the way. Look out for some rum called "Oso Negro" down in Mexico. My dad used to drink that and I collected these little bear key chains from the necks of the bottles. Off to fetch a tree. Don't forget La Noche de Los Rabanos in Oaxaca. love, mama
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